Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Since the beginning, we knew we wanted the film opening to be very dark. We started brainstorming ideas about what we could do with dark rooms. Not your typical photograph-developing dark room, I'm talking about an actual room that's very dark.

Klaus suggested a very cool example from the Netflix show Stranger Things. It displays one of the main characters in what seems to be a completely black room, otherwise known as the void. I thought this was a great example but I didn't want to base our film off of that, so we started looking other places while keeping a tab on his example.

I watch a lot of horror and suspense movies, so I had an idea of how I wanted it to look; but I couldn't find the perfect example for it. We started watching YouTube videos and eventually we found a film that greatly highlights some of the features we want our film to have. Here's the the link to the film opening for Resident Evil, pretty much our inspiration for our project.

Resident Evil Film Opening

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