Saturday, April 14, 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Today I worked on the color grading of the film. I decided to go with a rather cool feel to it because it adds to the isolation mood that we are trying to go for, so I went for blue highlights and midtones, while keeping the shadows low. Small bit of advice; always color grade. No matter what it is, always make sure you play around with the colors to reach full potential.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Today I started playing with the titles of our film. A smoke machine was used in our film and the smoke is seen throughout the entire piece. From this, I got the creative idea to incorporate the smoke into one of the titles, and this is what I came up with. I wasn't sure if I was going to use this for every single title in the film, but then I realized that it was a little too extra and it would get repetitive if I did it for every title in the film, so I decided to just use it once. I looked up tutorials on YouTube on how to get this effect using Adobe After Effects. After a few minutes and a headache from using this software, here's what one of the titles will look like in the film

Monday, April 9, 2018

More Tweaks

Today Klaus brought in the foley sounds he recorded and we spent all class adding them into the final film, while also talking about the CCR and answering questions that we had. We were unsure if we should have the titles be something be super simple or go all out and have something cool. Oh well, nothing big today.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Finishing Touches

Finally, the countdown for the deadline of this project is approaching. Surely it's a good thing, but it's also not. For us, it's not too big of a problem as we already finished editing. Right now, we are just playing with the color grading of the project to improve overall quality. I'm also trying to fix the title sequence while looking for better spots to have them in. Now the CCR... That's where it gets interesting. 

I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to do for the CCR, since I really dislike being in front of the camera and I also hate hearing myself in voice overs. I'm sure I'll figure something out, but I don't have much time to do so. This is a pretty short post, but there isn't much to talk about at this point.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Owning it

Today consisted of making a list of some of the key elements we needed for our project. Elements such as the font for the titles, the list of sound effects we need to get, and the music and score for our film. Samuel and Nicolas used the site to search for a nice, simple font that would work for the theme of our film. Klaus and I were looking over the footage making a list of the sound effects we needed to make while also trying to find a song to use.

Here's what we came up with for the list of sound effects we need to get:

  • Drops of Water
  • Boiling water
  • Glass clinking
  • Box Opening
  • Tools (moving of the tools)
  • Rope struggling
  • Feet hitting the ground
  • Footsteps 

Yes, some of them sound very general and do not make a lot of sense. This list is mainly for us so we know what to get, we all understand exactly what we mean by looking at the list. 

As for the music goes, I found a song on YouTube that seemed to be copyright free so I downloaded it. I was kind of skeptical about it so I looked into it a little more and it turns out that I needed to buy a license in order to use it freely. I went ahead and bought the standard license for $20 that allows us to use the song in our video. Here's a picture of the receipt/license

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Bumpy Roads

Like I said in my previous post... the most difficult part, editing. Why? simple. Try working with 4K footage on a laptop that isn't the strongest and has absolutely no space. At the moment, I can barely open Premiere without my computer lagging. Let alone open the project file. My teacher advised me to move everything into a hard drive, but I'm just so lazy to organize everything, I guess that one is on me. Editing this film is going to take a long time, and it's going to be very stressful. Specially when I get to the color grading portion of it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

The Beginning of the End

Here comes the difficult part... editing. Looking through over an hour of footage can be a very tedious task, but seeing how cool the shots look afterwards makes up for it. I will be using Adobe Premiere Pro CC as the preferred editing software to put this opening together. In addition to Premiere, I will do some of the title sequences in Adobe After Effects for animation purposes. I have certifications for Premiere Pro and have been using After Effects for a couple of years now, so editing shouldn't be a problem for me.

I'm one of those people who love editing to the beat. All of my videos have to be synced to some kind of music; but for this project, it's going to be a little more complex than that. Today, we got started with the first rough draft of the edit. We cut and put some clips together without any real editing done to it just to test the timing and composition of the clips. I added one of the songs we'll be using as a placeholder to help the flow of editing a bit. I aim to be done with the first rough draft of the edit in the next couple of days to see if we need to include or drop anything, and get started with the actual edit. Here are some screenshots of the timeline so you can have a little tease of what the footage looks like.